Bouche: So Long Solemn

review bouche x1 cong

This Kickstarter-funded debut album from Bouche is slow and with a lot of silence; if you half listen it sounds a bit sedate and quiet so you have to pay attention. The music is somewhere between jazz, blues and folk, though it was the mariachi-style trumpet in The Storm that first caught our ears. The main element is the vocals, sung by Rebekah Bouche, which are sultry and sensuous; it reminds of Carmel’s hit Bad Day and also of Ilya, the arty Bristol band to whom we referred the other week.

Opener Everything All At Once is unrushed and jazz-based, opening mainly with vocals and double bass, while Je m’Accuse is more measured and bluesier. It’s quite tasty, actually. The Storm opens quietly — like much of the album it is 50% silence but then it builds gradually. If I Were Queen starts even more leisurely before the vocals come in, with Bouche basically whispering in your ear. Old Man London is more very sedate blues and a superbly loud bit towards the end, with clanging guitar countering the jazz trumpet.

What she sings about we have no idea; it’s more about the mood created, particularly as the vocals and double bass both come from the same person. It’s a late night album that rewards repeated plays and we’d guess is a muso’s album. It’s an hour long but never outstays its welcome, even in songs (we’re looking at you, If I Were Queen) that flag momentarily.


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